Do you have an industry with epoxy floor coating? Epoxy floor coating is the most popular flooring choice for industries and other commercial spaces. Epoxy floor coating is durable, affordable, and withstands adverse conditions like spilling of chemicals and heavy machinery traffic. Please read along to know more about the cleaning of epoxy floors.

Keep the epoxy floor dust-free

Regularly clean the epoxy surfaces with a floor cleaning brush to keep them free of dust and grit. There will be heavy machinery traffic and a lot of people moving around in industrial spaces. Hence regular sweeping is important to keep the surfaces grit-free. Grit 7 dust may lead to scratches on the floor over time. Vacuum cleaning is also an effective option to remove dust.

Wipe up chemical spills

Industrial floors are exposed to chemical spills. It is easy to clean the chemical spills on epoxy floors. Please take care to clean the spills, at the earliest. Though resistant to chemical spills, some chemicals can damage the appearance of epoxy floors. Neutralize the chemical spills first, wash them with water, wipe the surface to keep it dry and prevent slipping. 

Take preventive measures

Use accessories like plywood sheets and welding mats to prevent damage to the epoxy floor coating.

Use cleaning solution

  • Regularly clean epoxy floors with diluted ammonia. 
  • Trisodium phosphate (TSP)/ Simple Green solution is the best to clean grease stains. 
  • CLR (calcium Lime Rust) can be used to treat rust stains

How to prepare the cleaning solution?

  • Take one gallon of hot water. 
  • Add two-three ounces of ammonia
  • Mix well
  • Use a microfiber mop for cleaning
  • Clean bi-weekly

Avoid the following as cleaning agents on your epoxy flooring

Soap-based cleaning solutions: lead to a cloudy covering which is slippery when wet, on epoxy floors.

Vinegar/any citrus cleaning agents: gradual loss of the glossy floor finish.


Follow these cleaning guidelines to extend the durability and glow of your industrial epoxy floors.